Make cocktail time a lot less mixing and a lot more mingling.
uTap refillable cocktail kegs put craft quality cocktails in your hands in minutes – with no need to keep shaking, stirring, mixing and making. We’ve simplified the process and kept the premium taste – now all you have to do is find an excuse. Cocktails on tap just got a lot more fun!
Ready to get your uTap in your hands? You’re just a couple clicks away from a shiny new cocktail keg and some fun extras all packed up and shipped to you in a box so cool it deserves its own toast. Let’s go.
What’s better than a refillable cocktail keg? How about a refillable cocktail keg that floats? Or a backpack with its own dispenser? Yep – it’s all possible and there’s more. Check it all out here.
Hey – life happens. You lose something, you break something, you just need something. Replacement parts are just a part of life sometimes. We get it. And you can get them all here.